Introducing PurrCloud


When it comes to storing sensitive data, security and privacy should be your top priorities. With the growing concerns about data breaches and unauthorized access, finding a trustworthy cloud storage solution has never been more critical. PurrCloud (formerly known as Keep Storage) is a revolutionary approach to cloud storage that surpasses traditional Web2 services like Google Drive and Dropbox.

Unmatched Security with End-to-End Encryption

PurrCloud is built with your privacy in mind. Our platform ensures your data is fully encrypted from the moment it leaves your device until it reaches its destination. Unlike traditional Web2 cloud services where your data can be accessed and viewed by the service provider, PurrCloud’s robust end-to-end encryption guarantees that your information remains unreadable to anyone without the decryption key. This means your data is safeguarded during transmission and while stored in the cloud.

Advanced Data Separation with IPFS and BTEP Protocol

We take security a step further with our unique approach to data storage:

  • Log Files: Minimal metadata information is stored in traditional Web2 cloud storage. These log files are used solely for metadata purposes and contain no sensitive information.
  • Actual Data: Your critical information is stored on the InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) using the Blockchain Transfer and Exchange Protocol (BTEP). This decentralized method not only enhances security but also eliminates the risk associated with a single point of failure.

Crypto Key Encryption

To provide the highest level of security, PurrCloud utilizes your crypto key for data encryption. This method ensures that even if the storage infrastructure itself were compromised, your data remains protected. It’s a level of assurance that traditional Web2 services simply cannot offer.

Why Choose PurrCloud?

In conclusion, PurrCloud stands out as a superior choice for secure cloud storage. Its robust end-to-end encryption, innovative data separation using IPFS and BTEP Protocol, and advanced crypto private key encryption make it a standout solution for anyone who values privacy, security, and peace of mind.

Experience the future of secure cloud storage with PurrCloud today.

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